Nobody ever promised you quality.
The "daily" updates begin October 15, 1997
By the Grace of Betty January 2, 1998
Early Evan courtship; lipstick-eating February 11, 1998
Andrew reveals a nasty secret March 2, 1998
Lesbionic cocoa March 31, 1998
Neil Meredith eats bunnies, says Ethan April 7, 1998
Squirrel Flash April 25, 1998
Betty likes Fugazi April 26, 1998
Dinner with dead people May 27, 1998
Fish Killa, the original and poisson-morte redux. Summer 1998
Victoria's Whitey Secret July 7, 1998
E-mail matchy game July 28, 1998
Fieger, bustiness, cheesecake by Evan. August 6, 1998
Tho-tha-tho-tha-thong. September 1, 1998
My sixth grade newspaper career. December 21, 1998
Operation: Schlongdraw February 25, 1999
Krispy Kreme haiku August 1, 1999
Gene/Jean Simmons December 17, 1999
I auditioned for Jeopardy!
Partying with pornographers
Squirrel Fishing
The Winter of my Discontent
Horace the Poorly Drawn Cat... in LSAT MADNESS
That is all. Thank you and good night.