right now i am just sitting around, gettin' jiggy wit it as always. ha. for some reason, the theme song from "garfield and friends" is running through my mind. i was really excited today because when i went into the kitchen for some tasty swiss miss cocoa, i hit the jackpot. there were about fifty packets of that swiss miss goodness, practically tugging at my arm to get me to consume the cocoa heaven. but then i thought about the nutritional value of the 'miss. then, it was as though the swiss miss had entered my mind!
me:oh no you don't, missy. you are not good for me! i will resist you!
taking this into consideration, i acquiesced. that swiss miss had a point. so here i am, an hour later, with my stomach yodeling and dancing around with sugar-laced fluid running through my veins. that swiss miss claims to be all neutral and what not, but beware. they will make you drink their cocoa, and they will make you go crazy when you should be calmly doing your homework.
sm:oh, but annie! you know how much you like me! i will make your stomach yodel with glee!
me:not this time. i've already eaten a box of chocolates, two rice krispy treats, a cookie, a snack size bag of cookies, a bag of gummy worms, and more! and that's just this afternoon! i must have nutritious food now.
sm:(weeping) it's not my fault that you ate those things! and i AM good for you! look! i give you eight percent of your recommended daily value of carbohydrates! that will help when you do your ice capades practice! i feel so unloved!
me:but swiss miss, i work for the rest of the week. you aren't going to do this every day, are you?
sm:oh (sniff), no, i just felt so lonely today, because everyone was drinking the coffee and nobody wanted me since it's so mild out and now that winter's about to be done, i'll be hidden behind those hillbillies on the country time lemonade mix! a fine, buxom young swiss miss is highly preferable to toothless hillbillies, i tell you!