(this is annie)


When people ask what's new, I usually say that I'm working a lot (true) and busying myself with other activities. But I don't have anything monumental to describe. No trips, no life-changing events to reveal. I'm at the age when many of my peers are planning weddings or having children, and within that context it feels inappropriate to say, "Well, Mikan has a scab on his nose right now and I'm terribly worried that he will have a scar and therefore be a less adorable kitty..."

Lately I've just wanted to read a lot. I have loved to read since I was a toddler, and as an adult I find that my interest in books only increases over time. I love the feeling of identifying with a writer, of reading a truth you already knew somewhere in your soul but didn't know how to describe. I love diving into a noir novel or learning about the history of cocaine or imagining what Baudelaire's Paris was like. Maybe it's not healthy to spend so much time escaping into words, but it makes me happy, so I do it anyway. Someday I will be a white-haired woman with creaky joints and muddy eyes, and with my books I will think that not very much has changed over time.

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