(this is annie)

what fun it is to pitch in

Look, I know that I used to talk about squirrels and bands and crushes on here all the time. And I'd be mighty happy to get back to that sort of rambling, believe you me. It's just that over the last year, I've developed this passion for politics. I want our country to do better and be better, because we can and should. On my more delusional days, I start thinking that maybe I should run for office. Alderwoman Tomlin. Or House Rep. (D) Tomlin. Or Senator Tomlin-Casablancas, with campaign strategy by James Carville.

On my more rational days, I feel like I need to do something to improve general civic life. Maybe I can't be Senator Tomlin (for another nine years, anyway), and maybe I can't donate lots of money to the John-John campaign, but there are other things I can do. Because, really, there are things we can all do to make things better. It doesn't have to take a lot of time or money. Perhaps it's as simple as passing on the spendy latte for a week, and donating that money to a campaign. Or you could invite friends over to watch the debates, and talk about ways to get all of your friends to vote. Or you might offer to drive someone to the polling place on November 2. Or you could write your local paper a letter. Or you could do dozens of other things. My point is, now is the time. Do it up. Help make November 3 something to celebrate.

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