(this is annie)

tune in, viewers

Owlie, Woodsy, Max Fischer, Humantorch, and I went out to celebrate our new apartment last night. Owlie and I were giggling because Beta Band was there. We talked about going up to him with her blue-salted margarita, saying, "What's this?" and then nodding and saying, "It's good."

We also came up with more plans for our public access show. It's going to be called Boys, Boots, and Buffy. See, the thing is, Owlie and I seem to have more gentleman friends than girl friends. Ergo, most of our stereotypically girly energy is repressed, and it comes out in a big way when we're together. All of our feminist scholarship and tomboyish qualities fall to the dust momentarily. In no way does this mean that we are frivolous or shallow. No, we take these topics very seriously.

That is why we will have an entire television show about the ubergirly topics. We haven't quite ironed out the details, but we do know that we'll have these weekly features:

- Thrift Store Score! In which Owlie and I showcase the week's best find from Unique Thrift.

- Ask My Perfect Boyfriend In which Woodsy fields questions from viewers, answering them in his inimitable, charming way.

- You Dick! In which I profile who has been shitty this week. Segment title to be pronounced in Spicolian fashion, of course.

- Buffy in the Diegesis (working title) In which Owlie and I dissect Buffy's sociocultural place within the Sunnydale universe—and in turn, its relevance to and symbolism of the young female experience.


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