(this is annie)

To keep ourselves entertained, Jen and I have created a new inside jokey game. Actually, it's not that new. Toddlers probably play it all the time. But it's new to us! Basically, we try to outdo each other by texting nonsensical sentences to each other. Here's a sampling:

  • Gouda shoes.
  • Massage the car into a ball of sumo wrestler.
  • How's the day waxing sticky velvet? Jackrabbit! (My response: "Papaya.")
  • Battery-powered quiz bowl with snowflakes of orange zest.
  • Mesh cats are in the rectory.
  • Plush fangs slip on some shower curtains.
  • Frankfurter disco nap.
  • Porkpie hats steal laser sauce! Unfortunately, the cactus whispers to the tugboat. It's a neon pomelo.
  • Purple Pieman washes granola.
  • How many Milos does it take to roast a chicken? Silverware!
  • The celery stalks at midnight. Koo koo ka choo, Mrs. Robinson Crusoe.

Linguistically, the interesting thing is that as the game goes on, the nonsense begins to shape itself into sense. ("Mesh cats are in the rectory" was understood to mean that my plane landed safely.) If we keep this up, it's only a matter of time before eep opp ork ah-ah means I love you.


2 Responses to “This sounds like an appetizer of the potato variety”

  1. # Anonymous Poppy K

    This reminds me of a silly poem I made up in high-school that my best-friend and I would recite to each other when we thought something was either ridculous or pretentious: 'Ha! I laugh at the silly starling who waits outside my window for a cupcake - for I have no windows and he is at the wrong door.'  

  2. # Anonymous annie

    I love that you remember it so easily. High school in-jokes stick around quite well, no? My friend Josiah and I used to read words backwards. To this day I can't see crossing-the-street lights without thinking, "TNOD KLAW."  

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