(this is annie)

As previously established, I am a bit of a hypochondriac. I like to think of my overanalysis of the smallest things as a charming personality quirk, because that makes me seem less loony when I do things like call Betty and blurt, "I think my foot is going to fall off."

It might! I know this because my toes have been cold and a bit tingly all weekend. (Never mind the fact that my healthy foot is also cold.) The Google tells me that this could be a sign of acute compartment syndrome, and as we all know, the internet never lies. The more I read, the more convinced I was that I was going to have to have my foot removed — maybe even the leg! ACS is serious; if you don't get it treated right away, your nerves can be permanently damaged. Since I enjoy being a biped, I phoned my doctor, who asked if I was in severe pain. Discomfort, yes; severe pain, no. Then it isn't ACS, she said, but I should come in tomorrow anyway since it sounds like I need a new cast. Despite this reassurance, I can't shake the feeling that I'm going to wake up tomorrow with my foot looking like the Cryptkeeper's.

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2 Responses to “In which our heroine overanalyzes. Again.”

  1. # Anonymous Chris Margeson

    So, what's the diagnosis? Cryptfoot? Severe cryptfoot? Cryptosis Footinitis?  

  2. # Anonymous annie

    Worse. Elvirafoot. It turns out that I do not have ACS, but I was not crazy, because after working at the office without elevating my foot, my foot got swollen and that's why things felt so bad. New cast = better, much more comfortable.  

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