Once again, I didn't make any resolutions this year. I halfheartedly toyed with the idea of doing so before 2007 expired, but then I tried to do the actual things in question (exercise, write better) and gave up in an unremarkable philosophical shrug.
Here are the excuses I continually make so I won't have to do these things:
1. I am not in completely horrible shape. In fact, people who see me think I am in great shape simply because I am thin. (Little do they know that I get winded after running a block or two.) Body still looks good, therefore must be healthy.
2. I eat well, therefore my cholesterol and such stuff must be fine, just fine!
3. Don't smoke, etc. Will live forever!
4. Gyms are corny and expensive. I would enroll in the Buffy Summers Ass-Kicking Academy if such a thing existed, but it doesn't.
write better
1. Would actually have to write something of consequence, which would siphon valuable house-cleaning and cat-grooming time.
2. Have little to talk about outside of house-cleaning and cat-grooming time.
3. Cannot write more than a paragraph without realizing that I am a hack, etc.
4. Have started secret cat blog for Milo. (I think it's safe to say that Hemingway, despite his love of polydactyl cats, would never have written in the first-feline voice.)
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