On Saturday, I decided that it was time to buy a guitar. Jesse and I went to Midwest Buy & Sell, where I fell in love with a very pretty Stratocaster. Unfortunately (and typically; I am inexplicably drawn to expensive things) it was about $1000 more than I wanted to spend. To soothe our disappointment, we went to Dairy Queen for scarily plastic-tasting ice creamy treats.
At Guitar Center, our luck was better. I didn't think that any of the clerks would give me the time of day, because in the past they've always assumed that I was an accessory to a rocker boyfriend. Jesse said that they would help me, and he was right. Either I am hot stuff or they are working on commission (you can guess where I place my faith), because many Guitar Center employees were more than happy to offer help.
I picked a pretty blue Stratocaster and inspected it. Jesse said I had to plug it into an amplifier to see if the guitar's sound pleased me. I didn't like this idea, because I was the only lady in the place, and I felt like all these guitar geeks were going to start laughing at me and my anemic repertoire of major chords. There was a small group of punkish boys in their early 20s, and they made me especially nervous. I envisioned them snickering at my musical skills, and me going nuts and going all The Who on the instruments while yelling revolution girl style now!. But as it turns out, the Tattoo Brigade's guitar skills were just as rudimentary as mine. That was a nice surprise.
I asked Jesse if he thought there was room for haggling, because I love a bargain. "I bet I can get the cute-girl discount," I said. Lo and behold, we got the hookup. I now own the guitar, an amplifier (with reverb and tremelo!), a strap, a little case, a cord, and extra turtle-brand picks. All for under $500. I am so excited, I can't even write straight about it.
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