(this is annie)

day before birthday

It seems like it's been longer than a month since I last wrote here. April was long and mostly wonderful. The first week brought a trip to see old friends in New York City, an old friend of a city itself. I spent a lot of time walking around in the balmy air, remembering a fair amount of geography but also staring at a blank space in the sky. I miss that city and the alive feeling it demands of the people traversing its streets.

Karinsa and I moved into a new apartment that reminds me of my old Brooklyn neighborhood. We live on the top floor of a building. The living room has a skylight and views of the Chicago skyline. I like a lot about this apartment and the life we'll live within it: the short commute to work, its proximity to the places where we hang out, the friendly neighbors. It seems like fortune that Summer is coming, bringing boundless opportunity for good times. Even though they come every year, the warm months never fail to feel wonderful.

A special shout-out to my mother, whose water broke almost twenty-four years and twenty-four hours ago. much love also for tomlin pere for his virility.

as ever,
annie at newdream.net.

read: norwegian wood, haruki murakami
hear:"pillow," capitol k; "freefall," saloon
be: happy.

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