So, my computer is kaput. Again. I remember buying the iBook and cheaply deciding against the purchase of AppleCare. Now, after having sent the machine to Apple three times (!), it's again not working. I haven't even owned it for two years. I feel like pulling a W to Apple, and a little bit to myself for not coughing up the extra $300 for stupid AppleCare. But the thing is, I feel like if you're spending $1500 on a computer, the warranty shouldn't cost another $300. I can see spending $100 on it, but $300? That is a lot of money as insurance for only two years (I'm not counting the first year, because that comes with the computer purchase). Or am I just being cheap? I know, I know, it's only pennies a day — but if you count up all of the things that cost merely pennies a day, you're getting into the dollar range... so, yes, maybe I am cheap.
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