(this is annie)


1. Everybody: wash your hands after using the water closet.
2. Writers, stop using "(gasp!)" to indicate faux shock. It is lazy.
3. Dictum to self: remember to use shampoo the next time hair is washed.
4. Bus riders: vomiting as you step off the bus slowly is not so hot. I understand the fervent need to let it out, but I do not understand the lazy "I don't give a fudge" saunter down the steps, and the nonchalant ralphing that follows. When I have been in similar vomitous situations (see Revenge of the Potluck, fall 2002) I ran like hell to the nearest receptacle. None of this slow, sexy puke-waltzing stuff.
5. Dictum to self: stop overanalyzing everything. Works for books, not for living.
6. As Jami has pointed out and as Catherine H. has seconded, if you are a thin lady, it's really unkind to "police" larger women who want to wear low-rise jeans. Yeah, so fashion mistakes happen. But bad clothing is one thing, and women who have hips and thighs is another. Let it go. Related dictum: let's not contribute further to disordered body image and self-hatred.

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