(this is annie)

baby puts out old flames

Oh, so I finally took at look at this site on my non-work computer. Sorry about that resolution problem; I resolve (nudge nudge, tee hee) to fix that when I install my new hard drive. It's a Barracuda, and every time I look at it, I sing, "Oooh! Barra-coo -duhhhh!" like the 70's child that I am.

Is it just me, or do At the Drive In and Les Savy Fav sound like mirrors? I feel grizzled because when I heard the latter band yesterday, I thought, "Hrm, this sounds okay, but not spectacular, and certainly nothing breathtakingly new." OLD OLD OLD.

Please don't call this a weblog, or worse, a "blog." Call it what it is: the occasionally updated random ramblings of the Squirrel Emperor.

The current issue of Brill's Content has a decent article about Bill Maher, host of tv's smash hit talk show, Politically Incorrect. Basically it points out that he's an insensitive, sexist celebrity ass-kisser. Speaking of magazines, Inside.com's print v ersion landed in my mailbox the other day. Its design looks like all those other new economy magazines (read: snoozily sterile), and the writing didn't excite me. What's interesting is that out of all the editorial photos in a December issue, there are on ly two women represented among a sea of men. For more grim amusement, count the non-white faces. Disappointing.


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