blip! blip!
The adventures of Trevor Boyer and Todd Levin

what i'm reading
The Winter of Our Discontent
Race Rules
The White Hotel

listen here, missy
Brittle Stars "Four Words"
Clikitat Ikatowi "Pleiadian Dance"
Foo Fighters "Everlong"
Talib Kweli "Move Somethin"

recent sightings
Bitch -- which reminds me, e-mail Lisa

i think that
the random quotes will remain on the left here somewhere.

more junk here
probably will link to old stuff

Titles Are Good To Read

Anyway, usually I am the world's worst bowler. However, tonight I was on fire and scored a 136, then a 154. I tried to conceal my joy, but oy, I almost became a gloating winner. It's the competitive spirit in me; I miss playing soccer and winning individual victories. Usually my team was a losing one, so I found happiness through one-on-one competition: being faster, more clever, a better shot, that sort of thing. It's the competitive spirit in me; I miss playing soccer and winning individual victories. Usually my team was a losing one, so I found happiness through one-on-one competition: being faster, more clever, a better shot, that sort of thing.

Obviously I will add different text here. Squirrels, etc.

It's the competitive spirit in me; I miss playing soccer and winning individual victories. Usually my team was a losing one, so I found happiness through one-on-one competition: being faster, more clever, a better shot, that sort of thing.

Not a fan of the ladies, are you, Trebek?

Anyway, usually I am the world's worst bowler. However, tonight I was on fire and scored a 136, then a 154. I tried to conceal my joy, but oy, I almost became a gloating winner. It's the competitive spirit in me; I miss playing soccer and winning individual victories. Usually my team was a losing one, so I found happiness through one-on-one competition: being faster, more clever, a better shot, that sort of thing.


© legal nonsense goes here...
because, as you know, people are thieves